Best of Oahu
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

Best of Oahu

There should be no bad meal during your visit with everything the Oahu food scene has to offer. Here’s what we enjoyed.

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Trip to New Mexico
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

Trip to New Mexico

We took a lil’ trip to New Mexico for spring break last week. We ate lots of “christmas” chili, tasted many lavender things, and enjoyed a daily margarita. Save this post for what not to miss when you visit!

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What to Expect at a Rio Beach
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

What to Expect at a Rio Beach

Picture this… you go to the beach and don’t have to lug a half campsite to be shaded, fed and happy. In the US going to the beach takes a full car load of gear, coolers, and anything you may need to survive the day in the sun. In Rio, beach vendors have everything you might need, and even extras.

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New Arrivals for Spring 🌸
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

New Arrivals for Spring 🌸

Happy spring everyone 🌸🌺🌻🌹🌼

Our shop has undergone the opposite of a “spring cleaning” with some new additions that are filling us with glee for the new season of warmer (and longer) days ahead. As a true Brazilian, I cannot with winter, and spring is the bridge we must cross to summer. Almost there…

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Carioca in California
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

Carioca in California

Are you a Brazilian expat in the US? Me too ❤️I moved here at 17 and there was not a glimpse of my culture to be found. I tirelessly explained that I didn’t speak Spanish, that I wasn’t European, and that yes, I was born in “the actual Rio.”

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“Cafezinho” Break
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

“Cafezinho” Break

I left Brazil before I was old enough to consume coffee. It is no wonder that in my return to Rio last year, as a coffee-requiring adult, I became enamored with the “cafezinho” break. If it invites me to slow down, sit, and mindfully enjoy something I love, I’m in.

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The Breakfast Dilemma
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

The Breakfast Dilemma

Confused about breakfast? So is (almost) everyone. 🍳🥞🧇🥓☕️👇

🍊The statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day originated in a marketing campaign to sell cereal. Orange Juice as our staple breakfast beverage was also the result of genius advertising (by the man who inspired Don Draper’s character for fun) when presented with the challenge that Americans weren’t eating enough oranges.

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Rio Must-Do: Academia da Cachaça
Camille Guimaraes Camille Guimaraes

Rio Must-Do: Academia da Cachaça

If I have started to convince you to visit Rio, save this post for your to-do food & bev list.

Academia da Cachaça (@academiadacachaca) is a local institution. By day you can get a delicious “prato feito,” my beloved PF; by night, it’s a fun bar scene with delicious bites. And of course caipirinhas…

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Meet the Artist: Monica Costa
Stories, Rio Romance Camille Guimaraes Stories, Rio Romance Camille Guimaraes

Meet the Artist: Monica Costa

Like many modern lasting relationships, I met Monica on Instagram. I was in a rabbit hole so deep I can’t remember how I got to her, but I was immediately in love with her work. I reached out about my project, @thecariocakitchen, that was still in its studs back then, and she agreed to meet me in person on my next trip to Rio.

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